By name
Tymur Rudov (Рудов Тимур Анатольевич)
By place and date of birth
30.09.1984 Mariupol
Belonging to biological species
Homo Sapiens
Ethnic identity
Cossack, Казак
Political beliefs
I recognize the Church’s value and its role as a historical and cultural phenomenon that has played an important part in the development of humanity. However, in recent decades, I have become disillusioned with the institution of the Orthodox Church, as it resembles a mafia-like structure and bears little resemblance to the concept of communion with God.
Secondary School No. 26, Mariupol
Rostov Maritime College named after S. Sedov, 2004 (Nautical Officer)
Novorossiysk State Maritime Academy, 2010 (correspondence course, degree in “Ship Navigation Engineering”)
Primary occupation
Highest position held in corporate environment
Master, Marine (technical) superintendent.
Secondary occupation
Journalism, Digital content production
The family hails from the village of Dugino, which belongs to the Yelizavetinskaya Cossack District (now part of the Azov District, Rostov region). I was born and raised in the city of Mariupol.

I was born on September 30, 1984, in the city of Zhdanov (Mariupol) in a family of a marine engineer from Azov Sea Shipping Company. My parents, like all my ancestors, come from the village of Yelizavetinskaya in the Azov district, now part of the Rostov region.
In 1978, my father, Anatoly Mikhailovich Rudov, was assigned to Azov Sea Shipping Company after graduating from the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School named after S.O. Makarov.
From 1985 to 1991, I attended kindergarten on the Primorsky Boulevard in Mariupol, where a military border guard unit is now located.
In 1991, I started first grade at Secondary School No. 60, where my older sister, Nina Anatolyevna, studied. Later that year, I transferred, at my parents’ request, to Secondary School No. 23, located on Prospekt Stroiteley, and attended it from 1991 to 1996. In 1996, I transferred to School No. 26 in Mariupol, where I graduated in 2001.
In 2001, I enrolled in the Navigation Faculty of the Rostov Marine College named after Sedov, graduating in the summer of 2004 with the qualification of “Marine Officer.” During my studies, I completed a practical internship aboard the port icebreaker “Captain Belousov” and the bulk carrier “Avdeevka.” In the summer of 2004, I received my working diploma as a third mate at the Captain’s Office in the Port of Taganrog.
In October 2004, I began working as a third mate on bulk carriers of the former Azov Sea Shipping Company. At the same time, I enrolled in the correspondence department of the Novorossiysk State Marine Academy.
In 2007, I received my working diploma as a senior officer.
In 2008, I completed a course for certification to work on oil and chemical tankers, but at the last moment, I decided not to change my specialization.
In 2009, I became a senior mate on the bulk carrier “Sv. Andrey,” having worked three contracts as third mate and three contracts as second mate.
In 2010, I defended my thesis and graduated from the Novorossiysk State Marine Academy with the qualification of “Engineer-Navigator.”
In July 2011, the state qualification commission of the Ukrainian government awarded me the rank of Master of the Far Seas.
In 2012, I entered the postgraduate program at Odessa National Maritime University to pursue a Candidate of Economic Sciences degree.
In 2012, I signed my last contract as a senior officer on the Cape-size bulk carrier “FMG Grace” with a deadweight of 205,000 tons. Since then, except for a few exceptions, I have worked only on Cape-size vessels.
In April 2013, at the age of 28, I assumed the role of Captain on the Cape-size bulk carrier “Coalmax” with a deadweight of 203,000 tons.
In 2014, I discontinued my postgraduate studies, as I did not see value in obtaining a Candidate of Sciences degree.
From 2015 to 2018, I lived and worked in Russia, in the homeland of my parents. I bought a house, investing $150,000. My three years in Russia led to disappointment and frustration with the government. I was unable to obtain temporary residence permits.
In 2018, after five years as a Captain, I was hired in the technical department of the shipping company “Transmed Shipping” as a Marine Superintendent.
From 2018 to 2020, I lived and worked in Nicosia, Cyprus.
In the second half of 2018, I developed and implemented a database application for managing company resources. It was written in Delphi and successfully operated until 2020, when it was replaced by a product purchased from Benefit.
Since May 2019, I have maintained a YouTube blog, regularly publishing educational videos on maritime topics, as well as related publicistic content.
By 2020, the channel had reached 39,000 subscribers. I began offering personal consultations, training senior officers for career advancement and professional development. I also participated in seminars as a speaker.
In July 2020, I submitted a request to resign due to stagnation in professional growth, as the job became less interesting due to the effects of the pandemic.
On September 20, 2020, I resumed my position as Captain on the bulk carrier “Newmax” (203,000 tons deadweight) with the same shipping company.
Since March 2021, I have had no desire or prospects to work as an employee and shifted to media activities.
In August 2021, I received the Silver Play Button on YouTube for reaching 100,000 subscribers.
On February 24, 2022, after the Russian Federation’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, I made the decision to defend my country in the most effective way. I covered the situation in Ukraine and the city of Mariupol, spending 21 days in the besieged city before successfully leaving the war zone on March 16 with two cars, four children, and four women.
On March 21, 2022, I arrived in Odessa. Together with friends, I founded the “Timur Rudov Foundation,” based on the audience of my YouTube channel. The organization’s goal is to support the Ukrainian army, medicine, and the population affected by the actions of the Russian Federation.
In October 2022, I stepped down as the head of the Timur Rudov Foundation and transitioned to the role of volunteer (providing information support and raising funds for assistance to victims of the war and the Ukrainian armed forces).
Since December 30, 2022, I have continued to serve as Captain on dry cargo vessels.