Captain. In command of cargo ship.
In 2001, I joined marine school in Rostov-on-Don. Initially, I didn’t choose to become a seafarer—this profession chose me. Although I have been involved in many other projects and activities, being a seafarer has always been something I could rely on to earn a living. My attitude towards this profession has changed many times over the years, but it remains my anchor, the foundation of my financial well-being for both myself and my family.
No matter what I do or which projects I take part in, being the captain of a vessel is my background—an inseparable part of my identity. Without the maritime profession, I honestly don’t know who I would be. It’s more than just a career; it’s a core aspect of who I am, and I continue to value it deeply.
When I started my maritime career, I had the opportunity to work on bulk carriers. I often considered changing my specialization and even worked on container ships twice. However, one way or another, I continue to specialize in bulk carriers.
Professional background / CV + Marine Service Book.
Professional Background
September 2020 – Present: Captain
Serving on bulk vessels (Cape, Handy)
April 2018 – September 2020: Marine Superintendent / Port Captain
Transmed Shipping (Cyprus)
- Oversaw 9 bulk carriers (3 Cape, 2 Post-Panamax, 4 Panamax) and provided backup PIC for 5 additional vessels.
- Conducted audits, budget planning, execution control, and analysis.
- Managed dry docking, vessel attendances, and inspections.
- Coordinated service arrangements, surveys, and repairs.
- Negotiated costs, prices, and fees.
- Led vessel senior officer recruitment and incident investigations.
- Prepared and reviewed manuals, circulars, and corrective actions.
- Managed third-party inspection preparation, including PSC and vetting.
May 2013 – April 2018: Captain
Served on bulk vessels (Cape, Handy) with Transmed Shipping.
May 2009 – April 2013: Senior Deck Officer
Served on bulk vessels (Cape, Handy).
September 2004 – April 2009: Deck Officer
Served on bulk and container vessels.
May 2003 – February 2004: Able Seaman
Served on a bulk vessel.
February 2002 – April 2002: Deck Cadet: service on board of bulk vessel.
Novorossyisk State Marine Academy (2010). Merchant fleet exploatation and navigation. Master’s degree
Rostov-on-Don Marine College (2004). Navigation. Bachelor’s degree
Valid certificates
- Master’s CoC (valid till july 2026)
- ISM internal auditor (Class NK)
- ISPS internal auditor (Class NK)