Ukrainians overseas workers are locked. Corruption remains biggest national shame of Ukraine. 2023
Ukrainian overseas workers still have no choice, other then stay outside of their country. Since beginning of the war, Ukrainian government is not allowing to male population of the country from 18 to 60 years old to cross the border to go for work outside country.
In 2021, population of Ukraine was 41 million of people, from 3 to 9 millions of of them stay working abroad for long period of time. Up to 25% of Ukrainian population has to leave country and their loved ones, in order to eran money for decent life of their families.
Since beginning of the war, ukrainian overseas workers have lost possibility to work. Government wants male population to stay, in order to have human resourses to serve in Ukrainian army, if it will be necessary. But problem here is, that there are only about 700 000 of people serving in Ukrainian ministry of defnce. Other 3-5 million of abroad working male population who have to stay jobless in Ukraine agaist their will.
One of the biggerst professional communities – Ukrainian Seafarers, using public influence of bloggers and some parliament members managed to push Ukrainian government to issue a derective which allows ukrainian seafarers to go to work abroad, on condition, that ministry of defence gives special clearance, which says that particular person is not currently necessary for military service.
Present time there are 18 regions of Ukraine not affected by war. And ministry of defence local departaments of 16 of them are providing working abroad clearance for seafarers. There are 2 regions where Ukrainian ministry of defence local officials are ignoring said derective (derective 992, of ukrainian government) – It is Odessa and Nikolaiv regions.
Above regions – known as the residence place of most of ukrainian seafarers. And, If you ask – why Odessa and Nikolaev officials do so?… Answear is – they are seeking for the bribe.
Nowadays – it is common situation, that ukrainian overseas workers pay bribe 5000-7000 USD in order to get they clearance to leave the country. This is a huge shame.

I have addressed Ukrainian president directly in facebook 2 times with more than 250 000 views in total. I was saying “Mr. President, pls help. Military officials in these regions are violating the law”. Unfortunately – there were no reaction.
It is very big moral problem for every ukrainian, to disclose such a shame. Because it allows Russian propaganda to blame Ukrainian state. But despite of shame, people like me – mush speak out. Ukrainian corruption is national shame of Ukraine. Country of poor people is growing corrupted mindset people.
Despite huge honour of Ukrainians – we need to confess. That ukrainian state, is not able to get rid of bribes on every corner, without help from civilized countries.
I publish this post, hoping that it will be read by person who can influence Ukrainian president, or whoever who might affect this problem.
Capt. Tymur Rudov. 11.01.2023